As a parent, one of your priorities is to keep your children healthy and happy. Preparing healthy meals, scheduling routine medical exams, and spending quality time with your child are all important parenting tasks. Unfortunately, your child may have been born with a condition that can affect their physical, emotional, and intellectual wellness. Considering an estimated 4 percent of babies are born with ankyloglossia, understanding this disorder is key to your child's health and wellness.
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If your child's upper adult eye tooth partially emerges out of the gums, you may wonder if it'll cause your child problems in the future. Although wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to become impacted in the gums, canines (also known as eye teeth and cuspids), can also become stuck. The teeth may partially erupt or not at all. Sometimes, stuck canines emerge on their own without very little issues.
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Professional whitening treatments can truly transform your smile, but the results are not permanent. Your teeth can accumulate stains and become discolored again, and then you'll have to have them re-whitened. If you want to keep your teeth looking as bright and white as possible for as long as possible after your professional whitening treatment, then follow these tips.
Say "no" to dark liquids—or drink them carefully.
Coffee, red wine, black tea, and dark-colored sodas are all super staining to your teeth.
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You've probably heard that dentists prefer to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible. Often, dentists prefer to correct a tooth problem with root canals, crowns, or other restorative measures in the interest of preserving the natural tooth. And yet, tooth extractions are the most common surgical procedure in the United States – more than 20 million of them are performed every year. Why? Although preserving the natural tooth is preferable, there are several situations where an extraction actually is the best treatment option.
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Does your child often complain that his or her mouth is dry? Maybe you've noticed symptoms of dry mouth, such as frequent drinking, a red tongue and sores in the corners of the mouth, when you're observing your child. Dry mouth is not an issue that should be ignored, since it can increase the risk of dental caries and gum disease. If you think your child may have dry mouth, it is important to work with your dentist to figure out the cause and begin treating it.
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